May 10, 2021
Iwasawa K, Takebe T
Organogenesis in vitro, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 2021, 73, p.84-91
Naoko Ohtani and Eiji Hara
Gut-liver axis-mediated mechanism of liver cancer: A special focus on the role of gut microbiota., Cancer Science, 2021
Ishihara, S., Ichijo, H., Watanabe, K.
A novel lens for cell volume regulation: liquid–liquid phase separation., Cell Physiol. Biochem., 2021, vol. 55(No. S1), p.135-160
Kon, S. and Fujita, Y.
Cell competition-induced apical elimination of transformed cells, EDAC, orchestrates the cellular homeostasis., Developmental Biology, 2021, 4/20/01, p.112-116
Maruyama, T. and Fujita, Y.
Cell competition in vertebrates – a key machinery for tissue homeostasis., Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 2021, 3/12/00, p.15-21
丸野貴久, 中西祐貴, 福田晃久, 妹尾浩
細胞系譜解析とライブイメージングによる膵癌幹細胞の動態の可視化, 実験医学, 202105, vol. 39(No. 8), p.1278-1281
実践編③データ解析:GC/MSメタボロミクスのデータ処理プロトコール, 実験医学, 202104, vol.1(No.1), p.179-191
原 英二
細胞老化機構を俯瞰する, Geriatric Medicine, 2021, vol.59, p.649-654